京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科、特定准教授。専門は文化人類学。ヴェネツィア カ・フォスカリ大学言語・文化・社会研究科にて博士号取得。これまでの研究は、文化人類学的枠組みの中で、主に日本とイタリアの宗教実践に焦点をあててきた。特に、精霊に関わる経験について、差別や病といった社会的・身体的な苦悩や、情動(affect)と環境の関係から論じてきた。主な研究テーマは① 現代日本における死や魔界へ繋がるとされる場所(恐山・富山県立山・箱根・京都市六波羅など)の「伝統」と社会的記憶、観光化、観光客の経験、差別、② 京都における「心霊スポット」ツアーにおける、インターネット上の噂、人間と環境との相互作用、③ 現代日本・イタリア・オーストリアにおける憑依される人々の経験、宗教的治療と除霊による「治癒」過程、宗教的治療と生物医療の関係の比較などである。また、国際的学術ネットワーク「世界と共に感じる能力―感覚・情動と物質性の文化人類学的研究」も運営・管理している。
Andrea De Antoni is an Italian anthropologist working at Kyoto University, Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies. He holds a Ph.D. from Ca` Foscari University of Venice, Doctoral School in Languages, Cultures and Societies. His main research area is contemporary Japan, but he has carried out ethnographic research also in Italy and Austria. His fields of inquiry include experiences with spirits and social suffering, especially in relation to the perception of space and place (particularly places related to death and the afterlife, as well as haunted places), rumors and discrimination, construction of social memory and “tradition”, tourism and commodification, spirit/demonic possession, exorcism and religious/spiritual healing. From a theoretical perspective, he focuses on the anthropology of the body, the perception of the environment, affect and emotions. He published extensively on these topics in English and Japanese. He is also the coordinator of the international network “Skills of Feeling with the World: Anthropological Research on the Senses, Affect and Materiality,” based at Kyoto University.
mail : deantoni.andrea.7c[at]kyoto-u.ac.jp
(please, replace “[at]” with “@”)
これまで、アフリカのタンザニアとガーナ、南インドのマンガロールで人類学的フィールドワークを行ってきました。タンザニアでは、「ラスタファリ運動」と呼ばれる黒人運動と、この運動にかかわる都市出稼ぎ民の生活について。ガーナでは、多民族的な開拓移民社会における精霊祭祀と妖術、呪術について。そして南インドでは、「ブータ祭祀」と呼ばれる憑依をともなう神霊祭祀について、調査を行ってきました。主な研究テーマは憑依・呪術・儀礼をはじめとする人々の宗教実践ですが、これと関連して、① 村落社会における土地制度と母系制、② 宗教実践と交易・商業との関係、③ 儀礼における身体性とパースペクティヴィティ、④ 神霊祭祀と環境運動、大規模開発の関係、⑤ 人間と非人間の社会的なインタラクション 等のテーマについても調査研究を進めています。
Miho Ishii specializes in Cultural anthropology, African and South Asian studies. She holds a degree in Behavioral Science from Hokkaido University. She completed her PhD at the Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University, in 2002. As part of her PhD coursework, she conducted extensive fieldwork on spirit possession, witchcraft, and magic in the cocoa-producing migrant societies of Southern Ghana. She served as a visiting fellow at the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research from October 2003 to August 2004. Thereafter, she joined the faculty at the Graduate School of Social Science, Hitotsubashi University, as an associate professor of Anthropology. Since April 2010, she has held the position of associate professor of the Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University. Her present research focuses on the inter-relation between būta (spirit) worship and developmental projects in Karnataka, South India. Since 2008, she has conducted anthropological fieldwork in rural societies in South Kanara, a coastal area of Karnataka, India. She has published extensively in Japanese and English on these topics and her most recent monograph is titled Modernity and Spirit Worship in India: An Anthropology of the Umwelt(Routledge, 2019).
mail : mishii[at]zinbun.kyoto-u.ac.jp
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研究課題:1.「 マインドフルネス」の米国での発展と受容 2. 瞑想が学校などの世俗的な現場にどのように応用されるかに関する協同的実践研究 3. 芸術と身体知に基づく教育と研究手法としての「シアターワーク」
Yuki Imoto is a faculty member at the Department of Liberal Arts and Languages, within the Science and Technology faculty of Keio University, Japan. She obtained her PhD in Social Anthropology from the University of Oxford. Research interests: educational ethnography, contemplative education, mindfulness meditation, somatic and arts based learning. Recent projects: 1. A Fulbright-funded project that explored the mindfulness movement in the US, which extended to ethnographic research spanning educational institutions in the US, UK, Singapore and Japan. 2. Collaborative action research with educators exploring how contemplative practices are being brought into secular educational contexts. 3. 'Theatrework' as a somatic arts based approach to research, education and healing.
mail : imoto[at]z2.keio.jp
(please, replace “[at]” with “@”)
東南アジア大陸部における宗教実践を主たる研究領域とする。1999–2001年の博士論文に向けた調査では、東北タイでフィールドワークを行い、(1) 東北タイの精霊(ピー)信仰と宗教専門家における非仏教的宗教伝統、(2) 伝統医療と専門家、特に毒蛇口承を息を吹きかけて治療する専門家(モーパオ)や薬草師など、(3) 伝統文字とその現代的な利用、特にタイにおける呪術的イレズミ(サックヤン)、(4) 聖なる力をもつ宗教的なモノ、クワーイタヌー水牛人形、ルークテープ人形など。また最近は、人がいかに呪的力を経験し、感受するのかに関心を持っている。とりわけ、モノや感覚を通じて呪術といかに関わりをもつのかに焦点を当てている。主に日本語にて多くの論文を公表している。代表作は『東北タイにおける精霊と呪術師の人類学』(めこん, 2015年)。
Fumihiko Tsumura is a professor in Cultural Anthropology and Southeast Asian Studies at the Faculty of Foreign Studies at Meijo University, Japan. He holds a Ph.D. in Cultural Anthropology from the University of Tokyo. His main area of research is religious practices in the mainland of Southeast Asia. Since his Ph.D. research in 1999-2001, he has been conducting fieldwork in Northeastern Thailand on (1) spirit (phi) beliefs and religious specialists in Northeastern Thailand, focusing on non-Buddhist tradition (2) traditional medicine and its practitioners, such as herbal doctors and ‘blowing doctors (mo pao)’ who treat poisonous snake bites (3) traditional scripts and their contemporary use in religious practices including magical tattoos (sak yan)in Thailand (4) religious materials with sacred power, like water buffalo dolls (khwai tanu), angel dolls (luk thep) and etc. His current interest is in how people experience or feel magical power. In particular, he is focusing on how people engage with magic through materials and senses. He published on these topics mainly in Japanese, and is the author of Tohokutai ni okeru seirei to jujutsu no jinruigaku (Anthropology of magic and religious practitioners in Northeastern Thailand, in Japanese).
mail : tumuraf[at]meijo-u.ac.jp
(please, replace “[at]” with “@”)
京都大学大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科博士課程修了。現在、東京外国語大学・現代アフリカ地域研究センター特任研究員。専門は文化人類学、アフリカ地域研究、 映像人類学。 西アフリカ、ベナン共和国のキリスト教や在来信仰ヴォドゥンにおける憑依、妖術・呪術、悪魔祓いに焦点をあてた研究を実施している。近年はその中でも、メディアにおける霊的存在の発生のあり様や、SNSや仮想空間のコミュニケーションにおける宗教的癒しに焦点をあてる。同時に、紙媒体に留まらない人類学のマルチモーダルなあり様も追及している。
Ran Muratsu is a Japanese anthropologist working at the African Studies Center in Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. She holds a PhD. from the Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University. Her research area is the Republic of Benin in WestハAfrica. Her research interests include spirit possession, witchcraft, magic, and exorcism both in Christianity and in the Beninese indigenous religion called Vodun. Her most recent studies have focused on the emergence of spiritual ontologies in the media, as well as on healing in SNS and Internet communication. She is also interested in multimodal and visual anthropology, as ways to go beyond conventional text-based anthropological analyses.
mail : muratsu_ran[at]tufs.ac.jp
(please, replace “[at]” with “@”)
Huang Xinzhe is a PhD candidate at the Graduate School of International Relations at Ritsumeikan University (Kyoto, Japan). His doctoral research is about qigong in contemporary China and Japan with an anthropological approach. He was trained as a TCM doctor and holds a Masterユs degree in Psychology. His research interests include also other therapeutic methods in traditional Chinese medicine, Daoism and folk psychotherapy, as well as the history of psychology and TCM. From a theoretical perspective, he investigates processes of treatment and healing in medical or bodily practices by relying on medical anthropology, the anthropology of the body, affect and the senses. He published several articles on these topics in Japanese, Chinese, and English.
mail : huangxinzhe14[at]gmail.com
(please, replace “[at]” with “@”)